How to upload script files in google code

1 - First , login to your google account
2 - Go to :
3 - Click "Create a new project"
4 - In the "Create Project windows" :

Project name: Fill with anything but, without space, ie: myjquery

Project summary: Fill with anything , ie : jquery for blog

Project description: Fill with anything . ie : javascript for blogger template...bla..bla

Version control system : Select : "Mercurial"

Source code license : select "GNU General Public License v3"

Tick, Use a separate content license: Select whichever you want

Project labels: fill with anything you want , ie, javascript , or you may leave blank...

Then , click "Create Project"

5 - Uload your file , Click Downloads - New Download ..

6 - Summary: enter your file name , ie : my file , then, click Browse, and put your file..

7 - Labels : fill with anything, ie: Type-Source , then , click "Submit file" Button

8 - To know the url address of your file, click on the file - on the next file, right-click and select "Properties" , Now, in the "Element properties" window, you can see the URL-address of your file , ie :

create google code hosting

upload script on google code

download script on google code

9 - Done


premature ejaculation treatment said...

really its very useful to me man..

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